Vrilya Point Weather Forecast
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Partly cloudy
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Partly cloudy
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Partly cloudy
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Partly cloudy
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Partly cloudy
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Partly cloudy
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Partly cloudy
Today 8 Sep Peninsula
Partly cloudy. Slight chance of a shower in the east, becoming less likely this afternoon. Near zero chance of rain elsewhere. Winds easterly 20 to 30 km/h. Daytime maximum temperatures in the low to mid 30s.
North East Gulf of Carpentaria
- Wind
- East to southeasterly 15 to 20 knots tending south to southeasterly 10 to 15 knots in the late afternoon then tending east to southeasterly in the late evening.
- Seas
- 1 to 1.5 metres, decreasing to 1 metre by early evening.
- 1st Swell
- Below 0.5 metres.
- Weather
- Mostly sunny.
- Weather Situation
- A high [1026 hPa] in the Tasman Sea maintains a ridge over the Gulf of Carpentaria. The high will weaken and drift east over the next few days, slightly weakening the ridge.
Vrilya Point Temperature Statistics View More
September Temperature
Horn Island (73km)
Lowest 1 September, 2024
23.7 °CAverage September
26.8 °CHighest 2 September, 2024
31.5 °C
Climate (2019–Present)
Horn Island (73km)
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25.1 °CAverage 2019–2024
27.4 °CAverage High 2019–2024
30.8 °C