Point Upright Weather Forecast
- 10
- 24
Mostly clear
- 11
- 23
- 12
- 26
Mostly sunny
- 16
- 24
Shower or two
- 16
- 23
- 15
- 26
Partly cloudy
- 16
- 29
Mostly sunny
Today 16 Feb Batemans Bay
Mostly clear. Winds southerly 25 to 35 km/h decreasing to 15 to 20 km/h in the late evening.
Batemans Coastal Waters
Ulladulla to Montague Island- Wind
- Southerly 25 to 30 knots, reaching up to 35 knots offshore in the evening.
- Seas
- 2.5 to 3 metres.
- 1st Swell
- Southerly 2 to 3 metres inshore, increasing to 3 to 4 metres offshore.
- Weather
- Partly cloudy. 50% chance of showers offshore, near zero chance elsewhere. The chance of a thunderstorm offshore.
- Weather Situation
- A low pressure system in the Tasman Sea continues to deepen, bringing a burst of southerly winds up the coast. Winds will become lighter into Tuesday as a high pressure ridge becomes dominant about the waters, before a front passes to the south on Wednesday, producing another surge of southerly winds along the coast.
Point Upright Temperature Statistics View More
February Temperature
Moruya Airport (33km)
Lowest 3 February, 2025
14 °CAverage February
21.9 °CHighest 7 February, 2025
29 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Moruya Airport (33km)
Average Low 2020–2025
11 °CAverage 2020–2025
15.9 °CAverage High 2020–2025
21.4 °C