Georges Hall Weather Forecast
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Partly cloudy
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Mostly sunny
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Partly cloudy
Today 15 Sep Sydney
Partly cloudy. Medium chance of showers along the coastal fringe, becoming less likely this evening. The chance of a thunderstorm, small hail and damaging winds along the coastal fringe, becoming less likely this evening. Winds south to southwesterly 15 to 30 km/h, increasing to 25 to 45 km/h in the east, and reaching up to 60 km/h along the coastal fringe until the early evening.
Georges Hall Temperature Statistics View More
September Temperature
Bankstown Airport (1km)
Lowest 4 September, 2024
4.4 °CAverage September
16.4 °CHighest 6 September, 2024
30.3 °C
Climate (2019–Present)
Bankstown Airport (1km)
Take a look at our website widgetsAvailable free! Find Out MoreAverage Low 2019–2024
12.6 °CAverage 2019–2024
17.6 °CAverage High 2019–2024
23.9 °C